Friday, February 10, 2012


Title: Supernaturally
Author: Kiersten White
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: July 26th 2011
Pages: 336 pages (Hardback)

Supernaturally (Paranormalcy, #2)

Let me start off by saying I loved the first book in this series, Paranormalcy. It was laced with Evie’s awesome snarky attitude, and awesome action scenes. This book however fell a little short for me. This one begins with a bit of a slow start, basically explaining Evie’s boredom in the way her life has been without International Paranormal Containment Agency and her depression from being without Lend. It didn’t take long for me to ask myself “Where's the magic and spark of the first book?” The majority of Supernaturally was centered around Evie’s love life and pining over Lend. It was a bit overdramatic and angsty for me. However, after about 200 pages in the action picks up and the show gets on the road again.

The positive: I really loved the new character Jack. He was bouncy and happy like a little kid, and kind of reminded me of Dolby the house elf. He popped in and out of existence and caused a lot of mayhem.
Once the action picked up it got really good. We learn a little about Evie’s past, and actually get to go into the Fairy Realm. Also, there were a lot of twists and turns towards the end that I was not prepared for.

And don’t forget Reth. Oh Reth how I love thee. Reth is really the star of the show in this book. He just seemed to pop up at random intervals to shake things up and glare at Evie, but in the cool creepy way not the omg Edward way. He was extremely creepy in this book, more so than normal, and I loved him. Although Evie has her awesome snarky attitude, he has that cool creepiness thing working for him and it played out really well here. I just kept imagining him as the Black Butler, which just made him even cooler.


The negative: Evie spent a good deal of the book whining and angsting, which got old real quick. She threw her friends to the curb, and was instantly forgiven at the end (that really bugged me). Also, where was lend most of the book? I began to forget what he looked like and if I liked him because I never saw his character. And when I did I had to read about how hot he was, and how bad it is that Evie had to keep lying to him. Evie refused to tell Lend about his being immortal. She figured it wouldn’t really matter and she could hold it off. How could you expect to hold information like that from someone you are supposedly dating without expecting the fallout?

Overall I had a hard time getting into Supernaturally, but I eventually allowed myself to enjoy it a bit. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t as good as the first. If you are looking for a tide me over in this series until the next you will enjoy this, but if you were hoping for it to be just like Paranormalcy I’m afraid you will be disappointed, at least I was. I will give this 3.5 stars and hope that it picks back up in the next installment.

Check out my other reviews on Goodreads:

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